The Content Audit

Ever get that nagging feeling your website could be doing so much more? Like it’s just sitting there, not pulling its weight?

If you’re dreaming of more traffic, better engagement, and higher conversion rates, you’re in the right place.

We’re going deep—into up to 4 pages of your website. I’ll scrutinize how your content performs in terms of engagement, clarity, user experience, and SEO. We’ll figure out why visitors aren't sticking around, why your calls-to-action aren't working, and what’s really holding back your site's performance.

Your Investment: EUR 349

Timeline: Give me just one week. That’s all we need to uncover insights that can fundamentally change how your website performs.

Planning session for The Content Audit
website copywriter

The Easiest Process:

Step 1: Book the Offer - You’ll fill out a form with all the details about the pages you want audited. The more info you give, the deeper I can go.

Step 2: In-Depth Analysis - I take a deep dive into your content, examining clarity, engagement, UX, and SEO. I’ll identify gaps and opportunities to enhance how visitors interact with your site.

Step 3: Get Your Report - You’ll get a detailed report packed with insights and practical steps. I'll give you a clear, step-by-step guide on how to apply these changes to make your site shine like never before.

Ready to get your website working its best? Click that button and let’s get started.

Detailed website content analysis by Hope St. Creative

There’s this nagging feeling, isn’t there? You know deep down that what you offer could truly transform lives...

Yet, there’s a but.

You’re aware that your messaging could be sharper, more compelling,

But who’s got the time?  

You find yourself wishing,

"If only there was someone who could unwrap all these tangled ideas in my head and just put it into words for me.”

website copywriter

Wondering what it’s like to work with someone who gets you—and can translate that into copy that not only sounds like you but also, you know, sells?

Go ahead, click that button. Check out my services. Or book a free chat.